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matchHeight a responsive equal heights library
April 28, 2019
matchHeight makes the height of all selected elements exactly equal.
Cat: CSS, jQuery -
Gravity forms for a simple shop
April 6, 2019
You can use Gravity Forms for making a shop that only sells a few products.
Cat: woocommerce -
Page wider than content on IOS
April 2, 2019
If you can swipe the page beyond the content.
Cat: CSS, Beaver -
Output a Custom Taxonomy Loop in WordPress
April 2, 2019
Here is a custom taxonomy loop code snippet, which allows you to output a set of custom taxonomy terms using the get_terms object and a foreach loop. In the above, a custom taxonomy named custom_taxonomy_name is assigned to the variable $terms a…
Cat: PHP -
Awesome image hover
April 2, 2019
awesome image hover in pure css