Custom code template full width


David Waumsley, Didou Schol


tpl-full-width.php tpl-no-header-footer.php

Copy these two files to your child theme, open them and add the slug of your custom post like this:

Do the same to the other file.

Now to enforce this template on all your custom posts add the following in your functions.php:

add_filter( 'template_include' , 'force_template', 99999 );

* force_template on cpt
* @param string $template template-location * @return string
function force_template( $template ) {

// check if user has set the template manually to be something different than default if ( $template !== locate_template( array( 'single.php' ) ) ) return $template;

//array of CPT's you want this template to used $force_template_on_post_type = array( 'books', 'cars', 'my_custom_cpt' );

if ( in_array( get_post_type() , $force_template_on_post_type ) ) { $page = locate_template( array( 'tpl-full-width.php' ) );

// check if we can find this template if ( ! empty( $page ) ) return $page;



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